Friday, 29 May 2020
Fun redefined this lockdown.
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Happiness survey - the customer survey
Creating the customer persona
Monday, 25 May 2020
Work, Life and Me time can be balanced by Breathwork
Air travel for domestic airlines opened.
Travel in Lockdown is a new nightmare
Indian domestic flights have just opened up. The plans were speeded up for opening the Indian skies to domestic Airlines. It’s the hurry insisted upon by the companies who feared closure of further delayed. The speed with which it was launched gives scope for lots of new experiences and learning.
Airlines travel won’t remain a great luxury any more. The preparation and actual experiences will be unique and sharpened awareness of the issues related to such closed and small group travel will become mandatory.
Critics will have a gala time finding faults in the process and the mistakes that are sure to be made. Mistakes can be costly not just for the one making it but for all Co passengers and the crew of the airlines.
Indians are sure to learn to travel light as there would be lot of difficulties involved in tugging along or pulling the baggage.
Security checks will be more strict and scrutiny will be tough. Touch and contact of passengers will have to suitably planned with use of long handled equipments of scrutiny.
Thermal screening will require high precision machines . There were issues of passengers taking tablets before journey to escape being traced with fever or illness .
The focus of the security team scanning baggage will require further sharpened awareness of the risks of carrying items of soiled clothes and medical items on board.
Cabin baggage will require further screening on entry into the plane.
Airlines may have its own thermal screening for accuracy to ensure the readings are not missed or skipped or bribed for passing through at the entrance of the airport.
First time errors are bound to be highlighted by ruthless story tellers and professional liars among the press that is waiting to declare failure of every activity of the government and its agencies.
Drinking water on the plane will have further challenges. Carrying own bottles from home may be a good option as services on the airport will have challenges of serving without touch and touching glasses or water stations. Water station designs will have to suitably modified for remote sensor linked water supply.
Many will require guidance for self check ins as even the well trained can be caught napping.
Service on the food courts will require highly trained and focused staff and agents. Hygiene standards and packaging will also need very precise high quality service to ensure safety of all passenger using the facility.
Remaining starving for over 150 minutes will be a challenge for diabetics and needy who may be allowed to carry limited safely packed dry food.
New customer service norms may need invisible agents , as also distant ones and safely situated or willing to give instructions from afar to avoid touch. breath, cough or sneezing close to passengers.
The health norms of the airlines staff will undergo drastic change and daily check ups tests will be the key to their excellence at work.
Those allergic to food smells and smoke or scents can be in great trouble in front of the service agents and security agents.
Security check without close touch or groping can be challenging for the security officers who need to be alert for terror groups or anti national elements waiting to create more trouble in the country .Carrying items banned on flight will need closer sophisticated automated check in movement to the counter for check in.
Wish and pray all airlines work in close coordination with police,health officers, doctors, government officers and the airlines top officers and make this opening up a success for all.
Some states have not logged in to the new tightened security norms and Mumbai is one centre not prepared to get in line for this service. It may join later keeping in minds it’s unpreparedness.
Hope safe airports safe players and easy
Travels becomes a reality soon once international travel begins soon.
Muralidharan R Nair
Lockdown diaries
25th May 2020
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Digital deepak internship - class 1 on 16 May 2020 learning
Class 1 at Digital Deepak Internship batch 3
The class 1 on 16th May for Internship group 3 was all about — setting a goal, basics or marketing, writing and communication skills to create a niche for monetizing the written content online. It also emphasized the need to have an overall understanding of economics profits and the economy at large . The focus will not be on traditional marketing but Integrated Digital marketing that has good Content at the centre of Blogging, Email marketing, paid advertising, copy writing, search engine optimization, selling online and personal branding.
Communication and good writing skills requires a good degree of knowledge of English with proper diction when speaking and immaculate grammar when writing on a blog to attract new visitors to the blog Collecting emails of visitors to the blog and create a selling product to sell and bring an income of a crore and half in three years.
Focusing on the target makes the journey exciting and knowledge of economics related to the economy how money grows in a business and policies that would allow selling of class products and services will support the journey to success.
Marketing and understanding economy of profits and income will increase ease of selling a product and planning and achieving success in enhanced income and sustainable progress and growth in business.
Passion ,talent and market opportunities coupled with a deep intense longing for success can accelerate results and the process of reaching targets on your personal journey.
Following up talent also will require writing good blogs on topics of interest to the reader and catch and retain interest in visiting your blog frequently.
The product you plan to sell and monetize your skills of selling writing and creating trust in the product you wish to sell and bring repeat customers through referrals f existing users over a long period.
Creating a personal brand would require an intense desire to succeed and bring financial results to match the goal set in the area of money, success and accelerated growth. The personal branding would include few essential skills of reading speaking and writing.
It is good to read English books that inspire focused working towards the goal. Famous books that inspire positivity, entrepreneurship stories of success and bestsellers will enhance knowledge of English.
Watching inspiring movies also adds value to the knowledge of English. Current serials broadcast on television and streamed on Amazon Prime and Netflix also add value . Ability to think and write , speak in English will be easy if you can regularly read topics online. Ensuring , brevity of content will increase knowledge of the economy , writing and creating wealth through digital marketing , email skills and learning other related skills in the shortest period of time.
To summarize, good content is king, good grammar and English will attract repeat visitors to the blog you choose on a subject you are burning to sell and succeed in a given framework of allied digital work to reach success .
Looking forward to learning the techniques of integrated digital marketing to achieve the goal of abundance success and sustained growth over a period of time.
Meditation has benefits that are growing
Meditation has benefits that are only growing
Meditation and few of its benefits
Meditation many tell me is about concentration but Sri Sri RaviShankar the guru of joy says mediation is doing nothing.
Meditation is just relaxing doing nothing. It’s said three pre requisites for enjoying meditation are
- Just for few minutes of Meditation , I want nothing.
- Just for this short time I do nothing
- I am nothing
Once you have begun meditation the joy is in accepting the sounds around you, not resist any sensation or feelings in the body or thoughts. It’s just about accepting all the thoughts and let it go
Even listening intently is an action of doing something or connect concentration. You need not be intent of listening instructions
Just relax observe your mind settling down and doing nothing at all
Once you know meditation is about doing nothing wanting nothing you may check the benefits of meditation.
Top benefits include complete relaxation . Maybe slip into deep rest that is aware of the sounds and instructions
One does not sleep during meditation but slip into a state that is so close to sleep but aware of the sounds.
Besides the close to sleep feeling it also brings a degree of calm in the mind
Many times the mind goes to rest without causing any feeling , thought or action during the time of meditation.
Meditation guided by a teacher or a guru is the best format.
The length of meditation can be between 10 minutes to a good 30 or 40 minutes of total rest relaxation and silence.
Thoughts can be reduced to a state of near zero thoughts.
Feelings may arise in the nature of total happy sensation of now worries or no words to speak.
Meditation can bring a rhythm of rest regularly . You may sleep off after the period of meditation. This is a pre sleep relaxation.
Meditation reduces worries and brings peace to the mind body breath.
Breathing can be regularised after meditation.
Meditation can bring a degree of thirst and taking a glass of water after meditation is recommended. One before meditation is also good.
Sitting in a peaceful environment enhances the value of rest and you may go to sleep after the Instructions .
Meditation before meal is recommended. It allows a rested mind have food with total attention and awareness allows good digestion and health
Meditation before lunch also enhances the digestion of food and allows sustainable food health.
Managers who meditate also share about ability to make proper decisions at work after meditation
Mediations also increases calm decision making ability.
Teams enjoy working when they do meditation at mid day to increase productivity and bring about a peaceful work atmosphere.
Meditation allows the endocrine glands to work well and balance blood pressure and stress at office.
Meditators are known to be happy smiling and compassionate team players who can enhance results at work by just being peaceful and soft in their dealings
When you meditate it also brings peace of mind and cool decisions that add value to the daily work situation.
Meditators radiate peace. happiness, joy and love in their teams and close near and dear ones in and out side office.
Meditation also impacts the vagus nerve in making one happy and joyful at all times
Good meditators make the work around them a celebration and companies find their businesses and customers happy all the time
Meditation in these times of CoVID19 has stabilised families who meditate twice or thrice a day besides their own practise of yoga pranayama and sudarshan Kriya a rhythmic breathing technique.
All views are result of daily practise of sudarshana Kriya and also teachings of Sri Sri Ravi shankar
Last 50 days sri Sri has lead over 100 Meditation sessions that have reached 1.2 to 2.5 million people who have taken the session each day .
This large audience are happy and able to maintain peace within the family, mutual respect and compassion towards each other.
This sustainable peace and a celebrative mood is the result of daily meditation on these stressful and anxiety inducing days
Consistent daily Meditation also reduces stress , you can bid goodbye to depression ,anxiety and panic attacks.
These are two links to meditation daily at 12:00 noon and 19:30 hours Indian Time lead by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
LetsMeditate Now link for noon
Refresh for the evening
Let happy days be a daily event
Muralidharan R Nair
Bamgalore 18:05:2020
Day 54 of lockdown.
Friday, 15 May 2020
Gratitude to all who keep us going happily
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Things are sure to move forward in India
50 days and are things looking up ?
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
New Life and Change welcomes you
Life on a frozen lane , Change ahead
So many on the fast lane
So many on a jet plane
Have all landed on a frozen path
All life is at a stand still path
Some have calmed down
Some have cooled down
Some have learnt silence
Some feel it’s penance
Silence is pure gold
Yap yap is now bad and old
Days ahead point to a new life
May be same home, same wife
Some wish to change life
Change to a new life
Get out of the old life
And choose to revolt in life
Change is sure on us point blank
New is shot at you point blank
If you accept it’s going to be good
If you resist you may become dead wood
Choose with faith , all that is new
Choose quickly , all that is upon you
New home, New life, new times
New habits ,new food , just accept its good
Accept , Be happy , keep your smiles
They will take you far and miles
Enjoy this moment
Be bold welcome all good
Muralidharan R Nair
Tried a hand at poetry
Day 51 of lockdown 14-05-2020
Saturday, 9 May 2020
The Idiot box and the iPhone
The Idiot box and the iPhone
The love with this two gadgets has increased exponentially
Screen time has averaged close to over 10 and 11 hours that is close to all the waking time.
Last few days after a meditation when sri sri again asked to keep smartphones away at least one hour after waking up in the morning.
I have a new routine in the morning. Wake up at 5:10-30 am and take a quick shower or just a good wash. 6:00 am is meditation on Channel 779 DoorDarshan India which goes international.
6:30 at the end of the meditation I take a cup of hot /warm water with a spoon of ghee . Six surya namaskars I manage and enjoy the short body stretches within the twelve asanas. I have learnt to live without the talk time upto 8:00 am some days .
Take a nice walk round the terrace and reach 1.1-3 km and move on to a bath, Sadhana and breakfast by 9:15 am
I am happily surprised I have not opened the TV after 6:30 am for the last one week I believe .
Famous among channels , Romedy Now was a top favorite . I saw Guess who ,The good the bad and the ugly , Meet Dave in parts and in whole. I’m so happy I have kept the phone away for a talk for long .
Movies Now plus is too violent for my taste specially gory bloody scenes . Romedy portrays mostly nice love stories that depict all’s well that ends well like stories.
That urge to sit flat on the floor and watch movies has gone and I prefer writing or reading and listening to music .
One good job I did was get my Bose SoundTouch30 working and setting up preset internet radio and enjoy music on Bluetooth and WiFi. Listen to morning Bollywood retro channel and suno1024
The latter is a channel that is famous in UAE and has ads from Dubai.
I listen to light retro songs while walking on the terrace for about 45 minutes while reading bits of e-newspaper news and the the channel -FM radio on the net .
Normal times I would have chosen some FM on the mobile phone .The joy of listening to the Bose system sounds is out of this earth . All this requires proper use of WiFi and data that costs reasonable today in India.
The new normal will be offices with all CCTV and online work from home will keep you on camera full time . You won’t be able to bluff about health or sick kids or non existent parents for leave .
Life surely is going to a new level of technology filled moments for zoom and google meet . Some prefer the traditional Skype and now Microsoft team. The later is for office teams to work .
Keeping a phone or laptop separate from office will now have a premium value for home and relations.
Am sure in the next less than five years corporates would have less meetings at office except for cutting cakes celebrations or drinks parties.
You can’t drink eat online only order stuff online.
Life looking forward is going to be exciting and data will be a cost factor in all homes. Kids and adults will have to regulate and love life away from the gadgets.
Sleep well , Stay safe keep gadgets off when you rest or keep them away from the bedroom
Muralidharan R Nair 9-05-2020
Lockdown day 46 Bangalore India
Food and cooking mindfully
Eat be thankful and be happy Life has turned around Now after CoVID it’s all about food rest sleep nutrition immunity and more Calories a...
Creating the Customer Persona - Assignment 2 submitted by Muraidharan R Nair, Bangalore. The second class of the Internship Group 3 began w...
Meditation and few of its benefits Meditation many tell me is about concentration but Sri Sri RaviShankar the guru of joy says med...
Eat be thankful and be happy Life has turned around Now after CoVID it’s all about food rest sleep nutrition immunity and more Calories a...