Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Screen time.career time and Me time

Screen time Career time and Me time 

The lockdown has given abundant time free from work and targets,

service  and customers, Marketing and sales initiatives 

It’s time to dig deep into my own inner being that has been screaming for attention and showering upon me the guidance and knowledge that I am looking for 

Am I just a being of cravings, likes and dislikes ? Am I here just to eat sleep spend time on screen presence and observation, pause and repeat ?

The iPhone reminds me I have spent 5 hours or eight hours on screen time 

The TV screen time is extra on movies of romance violence and horror 

What exactly is the purpose of my life 

I had started with a career creating a world without hunger. The banking career had taken me across five states in India in 20’yrs when I have changed 8 houses and four major cities in India 

Working for society after a banking career gave me deep insights between the age 40 to 52 on life In India condition of children women in managing their daily needs and overcoming needs of hunger and livelihood.Ending hunger and communicating it was my focus.  

It’s been a journey of knowing life till I met Sri Sri who opened up a new dimension of life by linking me to my breath 

Breath holds the secret of life being living and happiness 

This new journey ran parallel to my banking career and journey through India working on providing livelihood ideas finance and marketing support for women and societies. The keys to living life with a sense of gratitude and being happy through thick thin and through pains and gains opened up my soul to celebration Making life a perpetual celebration has been a study in self and society around me

Many friends always remind me to journal the journey of my life and write on the experiences 

Screen time has bothered me and keeping aside the IPhone for few hours of my day has provided me more energy to think more creatively and productively 

This is just an attempt to bring experiences in life to a few pages on my notes in the phone and to my friends who are willing to read

Will keep adding quite a few thoughts on life and happiness as major factors in blending knowledge and wisdom with the breath 

Looking forward to freedom once the lockdown is over 

Now understand what freedom means , what a morning walk means ,what exercising , walking and health means 

Gratitude is key to the experiences and celebration is also the focus 

Looking forward to pen and key in thoughts on more topics of my interest 

Muralidharan R Nair 

Day3 of Lockdown 27:03:20 

Do comment like share your thoughts on my lines 

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