Scream - intolerance when cornered
When you fear being caught pants down on issues related to your past frauds, scams and sins just roll Yiu sleeves up scream into the mikes ever ready for live transmission in presstitute channels that run insulting the duly elected govt and the legitimate PM who genuinely works tirelessly for the country
Another strategy is scream in parliament on fictitious issues on magazines that thrive on conjectures and fake reports that pick up attractive statements again insulting the govt and when cornered the magazine goes into an apology mode that is hidden in page 10 column 7 south east of the paper . Outlook is the latest that drained a day's time in parliament - the MP Mohd Saleem needs to be penalised or asked to apologise for the good up based on another goof
Dadri is story within story that still lives. Pappu thrives in trolling by rolling up his sleeves threatening the PM RaGa now wishes that all his fantasies need to be answered by the PM not by concerned ministries
It's time parliament order penalties on ministers who raise questions based on fake news and false allegations
Let parliament function for what it is meant to not for dealing with fantasies of a party that can't reconcile its loss that is already 18 months now
Hope better sense prevails in the MPs of the jndian parliament
Let issues that concern the people of India like chennai and others who need help get attention not the whims of screamers like kharge who I have not seen smiling for ages
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