Monday, 28 December 2015

#Yagnas #homas #pujas clear the space

FYagnas and Homas bring peace 

Yagnas and Homas nullify all the misery sorrow and pain, provide solace and bring in peace throughout the world 

Homas and pujas are also meant to protect the environment, by instilling honour and reverence for Mother Earth 

Scientifically, the Homas have proven to purify the atmosphere, casting a healing effect on the mind and the body
Art of living centre boards 

Monday, 21 December 2015

#SudarshanKriya -do it daily

Make this a part of your life 

●6 rounds of Surya Namaskar daily! Develops the solar plaxus, its the Intuitive brain in our body...!!

●Padma Sadhana with 4-5 long ujjayi breaths in every posture, develop perseverance, patience and makes us emotionally strong.

●Three stage pranayama practice opens up n cleanse our energy centers!

●Bhastrika recharges these energy centers with fresh prana, the life force!

●Banda locks the fresh energy in our energy centers.

●Mudras settles the energy n takes it to deeper level of different centers!

●Sudarshan Kriya harmonies the energy centers at deeper level n bring emotional purity....!!

Thanks @girinji

Do SADHANA Daily& Be HAPPY.....

Sunday, 20 December 2015

#Values and #leadership


(@ValaAfshar) shared this:l and it set me thinking on values and leadership 
School tests do not measure:

#Compassion, #creativity , #grit #empathy , #endurance ,  integrity 
#Humility ,#loyalty ,#passion, #teamwork, #vision  and #leadership

All school,college and family makes only 25%of who we turn out to be in life 

There is great evidence to suggest that books and reading makes up another 50% of who we become 

So 75 % of our life is made up by school and books we read and associate with 

These add values into us and make us who we are what we stand for 

Read all books but don't live another author's life and history -make your own story that others would love to read about 

I love a leader who lets happiness be the focus of all his team and who is a cool dude in all times
One example I love : MSDhoni 

He praises his team when they do well and takes the blame when the team fails

The balance 25% is the roots family mother, father and all you associate with

It's the company that one keeps that shapes one's life at each step 

-Murali insights into #values and #leadership

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Is Pakistan trust worthy ? Is Shareif straight forward ?

Soon this state would have its own Harvard institute of terrorism islam and sharia to nurture more perverts  and the sick to create more havoc fear terror all over Europe Asia India 

Until the Paris attack the 26/11 attack on India was just Diwali celebration for the ISI or testing crackers at VT Station and Kasab was just another child abused by the Indian courts

I am sure Pak can sell its technology of terror by creating a new international school for Human terror sponsored by USA and funded by Saudi clerics 

Oil when it will sink below USD 20 UAE will need vat , GST and Personal ITax and Saudi will lose its sheen and its arrogance of money 

Thank god no one said Modi manipulated the opec oil meeting to give India advantage of the petrol rates 

I pray better Brians man the media in India instead of the sick perverts who shout over anything attached to Modi or Hindus and to the core Indian communities who mean good for India 

Pray for the presstitutes who dont see good in India 

Murali in Bangalore

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Scream allege lie and dance when cornered

Scream - intolerance when cornered 

When you fear being caught pants down on issues related to your past frauds, scams and sins just roll Yiu sleeves up scream into the mikes ever ready for live transmission in presstitute channels that run insulting the duly elected govt and the legitimate PM who genuinely works tirelessly for the country 

Another strategy is scream in parliament on fictitious issues on magazines that thrive on conjectures  and fake reports that pick up attractive statements again insulting the govt and when cornered the magazine goes into an apology mode that is hidden in page 10 column 7 south east of the paper . Outlook is the latest that drained a day's time in parliament - the MP Mohd Saleem needs to be penalised or asked to apologise for the good up based on another goof

Dadri is story within story that still lives. Pappu thrives in trolling by rolling up his sleeves threatening the PM RaGa now wishes that all his fantasies need to be answered by the PM not by concerned ministries 
It's time parliament order penalties on ministers who raise questions based on fake news and false allegations 
Let parliament function for what it is meant to not for dealing with fantasies of a party that can't reconcile its loss that is already 18 months now 

Hope better sense prevails in the MPs of the jndian parliament 
Let issues that concern the people of India like chennai and others who need help get attention not the whims of screamers like kharge who I have not seen smiling for ages 

Food and cooking mindfully

Eat be thankful and be happy  Life has turned around  Now after CoVID it’s all about food rest sleep nutrition immunity and more  Calories a...