Sunday, 20 December 2015

#Values and #leadership


(@ValaAfshar) shared this:l and it set me thinking on values and leadership 
School tests do not measure:

#Compassion, #creativity , #grit #empathy , #endurance ,  integrity 
#Humility ,#loyalty ,#passion, #teamwork, #vision  and #leadership

All school,college and family makes only 25%of who we turn out to be in life 

There is great evidence to suggest that books and reading makes up another 50% of who we become 

So 75 % of our life is made up by school and books we read and associate with 

These add values into us and make us who we are what we stand for 

Read all books but don't live another author's life and history -make your own story that others would love to read about 

I love a leader who lets happiness be the focus of all his team and who is a cool dude in all times
One example I love : MSDhoni 

He praises his team when they do well and takes the blame when the team fails

The balance 25% is the roots family mother, father and all you associate with

It's the company that one keeps that shapes one's life at each step 

-Murali insights into #values and #leadership

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