Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Digital distancing of customers and social distancing
Screen time.career time and Me time
Screen time Career time and Me time
The lockdown has given abundant time free from work and targets,
service and customers, Marketing and sales initiatives
It’s time to dig deep into my own inner being that has been screaming for attention and showering upon me the guidance and knowledge that I am looking for
Am I just a being of cravings, likes and dislikes ? Am I here just to eat sleep spend time on screen presence and observation, pause and repeat ?
The iPhone reminds me I have spent 5 hours or eight hours on screen time
The TV screen time is extra on movies of romance violence and horror
What exactly is the purpose of my life
I had started with a career creating a world without hunger. The banking career had taken me across five states in India in 20’yrs when I have changed 8 houses and four major cities in India
Working for society after a banking career gave me deep insights between the age 40 to 52 on life In India condition of children women in managing their daily needs and overcoming needs of hunger and livelihood.Ending hunger and communicating it was my focus.
It’s been a journey of knowing life till I met Sri Sri who opened up a new dimension of life by linking me to my breath
Breath holds the secret of life being living and happiness
This new journey ran parallel to my banking career and journey through India working on providing livelihood ideas finance and marketing support for women and societies. The keys to living life with a sense of gratitude and being happy through thick thin and through pains and gains opened up my soul to celebration Making life a perpetual celebration has been a study in self and society around me
Many friends always remind me to journal the journey of my life and write on the experiences
Screen time has bothered me and keeping aside the IPhone for few hours of my day has provided me more energy to think more creatively and productively
This is just an attempt to bring experiences in life to a few pages on my notes in the phone and to my friends who are willing to read
Will keep adding quite a few thoughts on life and happiness as major factors in blending knowledge and wisdom with the breath
Looking forward to freedom once the lockdown is over
Now understand what freedom means , what a morning walk means ,what exercising , walking and health means
Gratitude is key to the experiences and celebration is also the focus
Looking forward to pen and key in thoughts on more topics of my interest
Muralidharan R Nair
Day3 of Lockdown 27:03:20
Do comment like share your thoughts on my lines
Sunday, 29 March 2020
Shutdown LockDown slow down and cool down
Shutdown Lockdown promotes slowdown and cool down
Life has brought many to a new revelation. The lockdown has brought many face to face with a new situation of cool down and slow down
The slow down movement now brings meaning to many jet set operators who fly with laptops and don’t eat while keying in messages, emails and blogs
Cool down occurs with slowing down your breath , slowing down your swallowing, eating ,biting ,brushing, bathing and soaping.
Everything just slowdown allows you to cool down
I experience that I have time to breathe slow “. That’s key to know the taste of food ,juices and fluids
I have freedom to wake up later not run for the bus or Ola or the flight .
Thankfully a govt that listens and acts on time is now functioning in a war room situation to save millions of lives.
A committed govt and a leader who is willing to walk his talk is a gift of the divine
This commitment is visible in government in UP and also at the centre
I am told Banks are working. Governance is working and has improved to make life safe for doctors and travel shutdown has added peace
Corruption will be quickly called out and some fear to practise corruption in these difficult times.
A govt that works adds value to quality of life . More work is done by the law enforcement agencies. Meanwhile many law enforcement officers find it easy with sticks, bamboos and aluminium rods not guns. This costs them pain of being stoned fisted and injured.
The air has cleared up without pollution. The sea in Mumbai is blue I am told for the first time in ages.
The cleanliness campaign has saved many lives i am sure.
I see police practising random acts of kindness along with the bamboos.
Aid packages have reached the needy on time in most states. NGOs have also added to the support for the needy.
Some states though are good in PR work and have caused immeasurable damage to the nation. I won’t name any here.
Migration and travel and doing it safely is a big challenge.
I pray for this nation and to the people to support the govt in place to ensure minimum people suffer and let us pray things clear up by April, as some astrologers say and some predict October 2020
Hope happy days return soon
muralidharan r nair
Lock down day 5
Saturday, 28 March 2020
Ola rides Uber eats and other redundant apps
Cabs Ola Uber and eats
Another new insight during this lockdown or shutdown and contemplation are few apps
Now Ola is no more a part of my life The monster used to scare me before I go to office. Share began only at 6 am Now happily share a cab is taboo with the CoVID19. This curse has left behind AIDS which never brought India into its knees Railways were not locked down for AIDS.
Ola had a small window in the morning before 6:15 as after that prices soared in geometric progression
Gone or the days I cursed a horrible Ola and Uber driver who after a wait of 15 minutes near my doorstep cancelled my ride and the Condescending Apps said sorry our driver is unable to give you his vehicle for a ride
I don’t need Uber eats as I don’t have to travel and don’t wish to eat from outside Many dread the thought of eating from outside Many dread buying through the big basket boys Some families would like to bathe and sanitize probably even sterilize the boy before sending him back
The whole house we live with families will bathe as if we attended a funeral together
Vegetables any way will be sanitized washed and soaped?
Another set of apps I don’t need now delete now are Swiggy dunzo Ubereats Olatreats(?)
Our lives have turned topsy turvy with the family willing to eat together,common kitchen hours and sleeping hours
Families that stay indoors together -now with Ramayana on TV I am willing to see same episode again will be alive after lock down
Believe me there was color television in its first transmission (1987) of Ramayana. Someone twitted Ramayana was on black and white TV .No way 1982 Asiad brought colour TV into our houses thanks to Rajiv Gandhi at least INC credits TV Invention to Rajiv Gandhi and computers too to him.
Many myths will be broken once we view the learnings from Ramayana .The DD website crashes at 9:00 am today And the morning 1 search on google was for Ramayana
Surely the liberal gang would say CoVID19 is an Hindu creation or NaMO creation to bring in Ramayana on national TV let me see new ads on the transmissions soon
Another set of apps I have erased are the news and now downloaded TikTok as old songs are back
Am sure with end of the lockdown and shutdown things will shine for India. Ram will surely become a new hero for the millennials not super man or spider man 3
Happy days are here again Mumbai seas will be blue soon
Muralidharan R. Nair
Day4 is the lockdown
28 March 2020
Friday, 27 March 2020
it’s CoVID19 we are now digital
Funny messages of CoVID19
All companies who are ashamed of telling customers that they won’t be serving efficiently due to insufficient staff
Airtel Vodafone-Idea tell us that our services will be hit on account of CoVID19
Good reason to blame the virus and hide their inefficiency behind the lock down
I can vouch for the abysmally painful shameful services rendered by airtel whose networks wake up once or twice a day. Vodafone-idea does not revert to you once you complain
Banks have been piggy riding on the back of CoVID19 to tell your cards will stop working in the wave module and all cards will now be for national transactions
Tata Sky also rides on the back of the CoVID19 to tell you they won’t be able to serve well their broadband services
IDFCBank UTIMF ICICIPRU all apologize for their services which may be hit by CoVID19 absenteeism in their service centres airtel call Centre also be below par
Shame on the use of digital to tell you that digital will go analogue or physical if you ever dare to visit their Counters
Bankers Telecom MFs and Insirance won’t serve you for days GO digital check the painful apps when the telecom services providers say they won’t be doing well when bankers drive you to the apps platform
For these painfully bad services I feel it’s time to ring a gong on their top
Management heads to wake them up to keep ATMS working and apps up and about
Is digital all that digital if telcos and banks don’t buck up
And I have over 100 messages asking me to go to the Apps that may run on poor telco services
It’s a complicated I blame you for something that any way won’t work
Pray the banks keep running for those who need money
PAYTM GooglePay shut down literally virtually evenings 7-8 Pm
When all made transactions
Hope good days come soon once CoVID19 goes away
Muralidharan R Nair
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Random act of kindness - personal kindness
Food and cooking mindfully
Eat be thankful and be happy Life has turned around Now after CoVID it’s all about food rest sleep nutrition immunity and more Calories a...
Creating the Customer Persona - Assignment 2 submitted by Muraidharan R Nair, Bangalore. The second class of the Internship Group 3 began w...
Meditation and few of its benefits Meditation many tell me is about concentration but Sri Sri RaviShankar the guru of joy says med...
Eat be thankful and be happy Life has turned around Now after CoVID it’s all about food rest sleep nutrition immunity and more Calories a...