Separating the doer and the person's colour or religion
With acts of terror as in all acts the doer is usually identified by his place of stay name and gender plus faith he follows or the party he supports or ideology he professes
It would be difficult to separate the act and the ideology of the person
It would be okay if stray incidents point to the doer being of a specific faith or religion However repeated acts by men or women of the same faith raises question of the faith it's ideologies and its teacher and preachers
I'm India it's fashionable to say terror has no religion or gender
The media has been very pathetic in identifying the perpetrator of crimes be it rapes riots or acts of terror
The last few months has seen international events showing specific faiths be part of the terror attacks and more such events -4 of them involving France
Similarities between the attacks in Mumbai 26/11 and Paris 13/11 have made media wake up to attacks on India
Media in India has viewed the attacks on narrow faith and religious basis
It's time for the world to stand up and identify faiths that promote and participate in terror acts and isolate them financially and politically and bring them to justice to put to end the fears in which counties live
Let there be more focus on ending such terror groups not just fight them
Fights won't end now countries need to commit end of terror not just fight them
Naming the culprit is the first step. And very essential. The people, direct vistims of his/her act and indirect victim, the society, has every right to know who the terrorist was, so that they can become aware of who supported him. They they can make an informed choice if they want to keep contact with the supporters of this person or pressurize them to become aware and prevent further such acts.