The Corona virus has cleaned up lives and environment
The bright side of the corona Chinese Virus also referred to as CoVID2019 has been the cleansing in the environment and human lives.
The five elements which constitute what human life is made of - viz The earth, Water. Fire , Air and Space /ether have all been impacted deeply .
The earth as a whole has seen its damage by human beings careless over this life time.The lockdown has done good for the water and earth by having the rivers and the water sources round the world over purified and cleansed totally.
Jamuna and Ganges have suddenly been purified and serene flow in key locations will be a big attraction once the lockdown is over.
The sky has turned Blue and clear with low pollution. The purity in the air is also amazing as purity levels have gone up in Delhi and big cities that had huge pollution issues. They have specially transformed from a dangerously polluted space to one of pure air Fresh to breathe ana feel.
The forest fires would also be in check in places across Australia. Fire has also been kind to human beings
The lockdown has kept over few million two wheelers , thousands of cars and auto rixas silent .
Millions of litres of fuel for all the vehicles and the airplanes have been saved and created few billion dollar savings in imports for India . The combined impact is less fuel usage silent roads have impacted noise pollution and made life so quiet and silent in many cities .
The lockdown has silenced minds with stay at home conditions .
Lockdown has also slowed down a million minds of bankers and investment specialists .
Lots of money has gone down the drain on valuation of shares and stocks debt funds and mutual fund NaVs over a short period of time. Market capitalisation has taken a serious hit.
The key learning for human beings from nature is to slow down ,calm down and silence the ever hyper active souls.
The calming effect can reduce weights of human beings now getting used to eat on time and eat healthy diet and ignore all junk food.
Once the lockdown is done I am sure the following business will not be be back or will lose its sheen permanently.
The beauty business will be impacted
Salons, parlours, therapy units, chiropractor units and massage parlours will not take working in full swing for Safety and security to personal health and wellness.
Pedicure and intimate salon work will suffer.
The oldest profession may not see new customers just for fear of infections.
Intimate therapies of touch and massage will be shunned for some time.
Blood donations will be an issue for some more time.
Exchange of body fluids. kisses and intimate practices will be cautiously viewed for quite some time to come.
Nature has shaken up lots of singles and the carefree.
Nature has also warned about good food and proper care of what you eat and what you drink . No more street side food for the souls interest in living clean healthy lives .
Spurt in liquor sales may be apparent once shops open. The cautious ones will avoid liquor , drugs , junk food and stale ,sour , raw foods.
Virus has taught many to go for freshly cooked hot food and ready home made vegetables and cereals like rice ,wheat and millets.
Many have avoided raw red meat to take care of their own health.
Clean air, clean , warm water clean environment, clean homes, quick collection of wet and dry garbage have become the norm in all cities .
Human beings have been shaken to protect their kin from the invisible virus and remain alive .
Social distancing will be a healthy practise and a matter of life and death for those who revere life and society health.
Managing the breath body and mind (BBM management ) will gain huge favour of millions . Meditation and breath programs have gained favour among millions . This will keep immunity high in humans and keep the virus far .
This all around awareness of cleanliness health , good food , rest and meditation will save many human beings
The huge change in social norms will help take care of own health , society’s health and keeping environment, rivers mountains, clean and will save many lives .
Change is already on us now there is no time to postpone our happiness and life .
The all important breath, body and mind needs management today, not tomorrow.
The value of NOW is important right on your face and now.
Accept the change l, keep the present moment as valuable, stop regretting the past and live for now and today.
Let life be a continuous flow of joy celebration, smiles and laughter.
Let the virus be a thing of the past and let us recognise this change and smile through life l.
Silence, stillness,safety ,cooling down , slowing down will be the new normal not rushing through life blindly.
More among us will stop and wait ti admire the air quality ,the clean water around and ensure more have enough to share ,care and live life happily llfe.
Muralidharan R Nair
Lockdown -day 35