It’s been 103 days after the first lock down. We had lockdown for quite some days now it’s Un-lock. When will the lock vanish is a valid thought and all need to support the administration and the government we have elected to rule and keep all safe .
Quite a few things now are out of my life for good.i am sure it’s for good .
Newspapers have gone out for good . Any way they spread views not news .
I can now do without an early morning paper before breakfast and have been cheerful and alive through these over 110 days of new way of living locked Inside home for safety and for keeping alive.
I can love without so much television and addictive viewing of channels after Mahabharata and ramayan finished on door darshan in quick time.
Drastic changes have occurred in eating habits. All that is served on the table is now safe
I have been off ice creams for quite some time. Over 40 days I believe
Sweets chocolates have also gone off my list of things to eat. Honestly chocolates I have cheated on once or twice in last 70 days.
Can do without ironed shirts feel no formal meetings in sight except for the zoom video better be well dressed and look nice
Shaving I have not given up. I do it daily. Having a clean look makes you feel fresh
Choosing vegetables on the road haggling with the ooor vendors is also out of my life for I have not gone outside
Thanks and gratitude are due to big basket JioMart and market next along with other delivery apps and channels for soaps and masks.
Have made learning new skills a part of daily living.
Joined the digital learning programs of #DigitalDeepak and undergone faithfully the webinars and Q @A sessions . Also got connected to new and young enthusiastic groups who taught me few important things about affiliate marketing blogging and also technicals of the net.
Now have a new blog and a new domain in my own name and an amazing hosting site . #hostinger is the host I have developed intense love for and #wordpress for its resources
Do check my new domain
and peep into my blog posts
Don’t miss out some nice products of amazing value that you can add to your kitchen
Now looking for developing knowledge on internet and digital learning
Conducted two online events on meditation and breath
Got to deal with the fees and paid version of and now confident as a host co-host and a student.
Google meet has also provided online video conferencing and the new site in the block Jayanagar jiomeet a close clone of zoom.
Thanks to all providers suppliers couriers for delivering new goods and many sites providing big 70-90 percent off on courses resources
Gratitude and mediation are big bolna they have keep me happy alive agile and peaceful
Muralidharan R Nair